Shelter property progress report

The NWAS had an exceptionally busy summer and fall 2012, developing the shelter property and moving our portable kennels and fencing out. Much work had to be done, from clearing trees, leveling the property, putting in the water line and hydro. The kennel buildings were moved to the property, as was the Atco trailer purchased last spring. Much work remains however, the water must be turned on, the septic system installed, organizing the buildings, etc. Many thanks are owed to some exceptional volunteers, including Tom Roper, Wayne Couture, Tim O'Sullivan, Martin Hughes and the Smithers Rugby Club, Dan Perlman, Barry, Gary, Brian, Tom, Claire and Jenelle. The kennel buildings could not have been moved without the expertise of Fred Watson, and Fred and Mike Tabert. It was quite a site seeing them cross the Telkwa Bridge! Many businesses have helped along the way as well - CG Brooks Contracting, Steti Transport, BV Electric, Aqua North, Bulkley Valley Credit Union, ReMax, Bulkley Valley Home Centre, Bulkley Valley Insurance, Pine Ridge Modular Homes.
The pictures below show some of the progress, crossing the Bulkley River, clearing the land (CG Brooks), moving the Atco trailer, and the buildings painted and skirted, but still under construction
2013 will be a busy year too.