Fostering the Runner Litter - Part 4

The title of these articles is a bit misleading now, when Part 1 was posted I was only fostering the 3 Runner kits. Then, to my great relief, Ivy and her 4 kits came along. For four weeks or so, Ivy took over a large part of the kitten care, but now the two surviving Runners are almost 6 weeks old and Ivy's kits are almost 5 weeks she is quite happy to take a well-deserved break and leave most of the work up to me []
We have all moved into what I think of as the fun part of fostering. They are fast developing into what most people think of when you talk about kittens, the active, playful, chase anything that moves and grab it, climb anything that stands still, and explore everything around with wide eyes and boundless curiosity phase.
Although Zoom and Sprint are a week older than the others there is not a lot of difference in their development. They are all eating a mix of formula and canned cat food, Ivy is still willing to nurse them but only for short periods. They are all using a litter box, progressing rapidly from a small cardboard box with very low sides to a regular plastic container. Their mission in life now is to play and explore. They are more interesting to watch than television [] Anything new in their living area is immediately checked out from all angles, their coordination improves daily, they track movement, pounce and grab, play with each other.
If they're not sleeping they are in motion.
The downside: Apparently kittens can retract their claws by the time they're 4 weeks old but these guys haven't figured that out, their claws seem to be permanently out as they clamber up my legs or any other available body part on their way to new adventures.
It takes time, energy and money to raise a happy, healthy litter and I'd like to thank the many people who donate to the shelter and make this work possible. The donated pieces of VetBed make a comfortable, dry bed which is very easy to keep clean and now also acts as a soft landing below any climbable object. Having access to fine, non clumping litter made litter box training easy and the canned food is very appreciated. Toys are also important, the little hut in some of the pictures is a source of great entertainment when they are active and acts as a den when they pile up and sleep.
In another month or so these happy, healthy little ones will be ready to move into permanent homes, something which is only possible because so many people are willing to help them out.
Thank you all.