FOSTER homes needed!

NWAS needs your help! Our list of available foster homes is getting very low. We need temporary homes for dogs and cats between Topley and Hazelton. You can have other pets and still foster! Each animal has different needs and requirements. We have some long term fosters and some short term.
Some of the reasons animals need fostering are:
- Pregnant momma’s having and raising babies
- Ill or injured animals that need a peaceful place to recover
- Scared animals that need help with socialization
- Animals that have personalities that just do not thrive in the shelter environment
Some of the many benefits of fostering include:
-Having an animal companion without the lifetime commitment
- Learning the responsibility it takes to care for animals before making the decision to permanently adopt one
- Knowing that you have positively impacted the life of the animal in your care
If you’re interested in fostering please apply today at