Adoption Fair April 27-19 - Total Pet

April is Paw Month at Pet Valu locations across the nation. Our local Total Pet is collecting donations for NWAS, this year their goal is to raise $2700 for us and they are already over $1100. Saturday April 27th will be a special Paw Day at the store to aid in their fundraising efforts.
Come down between 10 and 6 to:
Meet all of our currently available cats and dogs
Meet CDN K9 Smithers trainer Tanisha Davis and possibly watch a training demo
Check out the on site bake sale (with Evelyn Dog 4-H'a famous home
Made dog treats)
Paint Flower Pots and plant cat grass to take home
Bid on the silent auction full of amazing prizes
Check out the picky eaters treat table
And get your dogs nails trimmed by donation.
It's going to be a fun busy day. Our cats and dogs are already preparing to look their very best for the event.